Deathwatch Beetle interesting facts

Deathwatch Beetle

The deathwatch beetle is one of the many little-known but fascinating creatures that inhabit our world. This beetle is so named because it is known to signal the death of trees by tapping on their trunks with its antennae. While this may be a morbid habit, it is a testament to the importance of this beetle in the environment. Learn more about the deathwatch beetle and its habits in this post.

Deathwatch Beetle scientific name

The all-important scientific name of the Deathwatch Beetle is Xestobium rufovillosum. The genus to which it belongs is called Xestobium, and there are around 14 different species in this genus. The family to which it belongs is known as Anobiidae, and there are approximately 32,000 species in this family. The order to which it belongs is called Coleoptera, and there are around 400,000 species in this order.

As you can see, the Deathwatch Beetle is just a tiny drop in a very large bucket when it comes to the world of insects!

Deathwatch Beetle types

The Deathwatch Beetle is a species of woodboring beetle. There are many different types of Deathwatch Beetle, all of which are capable of causing serious damage to wood. The most common type of Deathwatch Beetle is the Common Furniture Beetle, which is found in homes all over the world. The Common Furniture Beetle feeds on wood and can cause extensive damage to furniture and other wooden objects.

Other types of Deathwatch Beetle include the Old House Borer, which attacks both softwoods and hardwoods, and the Powderpost Beetle, which is particularly destructive to hardwoods. Although all types of Deathwatch Beetle can cause serious damage, they can be controlled with regular pest control treatments.

Deathwatch Beetle physical appearance

The deathwatch beetle is a wood-boring beetle that gets its name from the tapping sound it makes inside the wood of trees during the night. The scientific name for this beetle is Xestobium rufovillosum. Adults are dark brown or black, and they have a hard shell with ridges running lengthwise across their back. They are about 3/16 of an inch long, making them one of the smaller species of beetles. The larvae are creamy white, and they have dark brown heads. They can reach up to ¼ of an inch in length when fully grown.

The deathwatch beetle is found in all parts of the world except for Antarctica. It prefers to live in dead or dying trees, but it has also been known to infest buildings made of wood. This beetle is most active at night, which is when it emits its distinctive tapping sound. The deathwatch beetle can cause extensive damage to wooden structures, and it is considered to be a pest in many parts of the world.

Deathwatch Beetle habitat

The Deathwatch Beetle is found all across North America. It prefers to live in dead or dying trees, where it can feed on the wood. The Beetle gets its name from the fact that it is often found near houses, and its knocking has been known to cause insomnia. The Deathwatch Beetle is a serious threat to both living and dead trees. If left unchecked, it can quickly destroy a tree.

In addition, the Beetle is known to carry diseases, which can spread to other trees and plants. As a result, it is important to be aware of the Deathwatch Beetle and its habits in order to protect both your home and your garden.

Deathwatch Beetle diet

The Deathwatch Beetle is a species of woodboring beetle. The adult beetles are black with golden spots and about 6 to 7 mm long. The larvae are creamy-white with dark brown heads. Both the adults and larvae feed on all types of wood, including hardwoods and softwoods. The larvae bore into the wood, where they eat the sapwood. The adults eat the surface of the wood, leaving small holes.

Deathwatch Beetles are common in all types of wood structures, including houses, furniture, and trees. In the United States, they are most common in the eastern states.

Deathwatch Beetle interesting facts

Deathwatch beetles are fascinating creatures. Here are some interesting facts about them:

  1. They get their name from the fact that they are often found in old buildings, where they make a ticking sound that is reminiscent of a deathwatch.
  2. They are attracted to the sound of wood being knocked, which is why they are often found in places like coffin makers’ workshops.
  3. They are also attracted to the sound of running water, which is why they are sometimes found near streams and rivers.
  4. They have a lifespan of about three years, during which time they will mate and lay eggs. The eggs hatch into larvae, which then burrow into the wood to feed. After a few months, the larvae pupate and emerge as adult beetles.
  5. Deathwatch beetles are a protected species in some parts of the world, as they are an important part of the natural ecosystem. They help to break down dead wood, which allows other insects and animals to access the nutrients it contains.

Deathwatch Beetle reproduction

The Deathwatch Beetle is a small, dark brown beetle that is found throughout the world. The adult beetles are about 6mm long and have a hard wing case. They are attracted to wood that has been damaged by fungi, and they can often be found in old buildings and trees. The females lay their eggs in the cracks of the wood, and the larvae hatch after about two weeks. The larvae then burrow into the wood, where they feed on the decaying tissue. They continue to feed and grow for up to three years before emerging as adults.

Once they have emerged, they mate and lay eggs, starting the cycle anew. Deathwatch Beetles can live for up to five years.

Deathwatch Beetle

Deathwatch Beetle Prevention

The deathwatch beetle is a wood-boring insect that gets its name from the tapping noise it makes inside the wood of trees. If you have ever heard a mysterious knocking in the night, it could very well have been a deathwatch beetle! These beetles are all around us, but we usually don’t notice them until they start to cause damage. The good news is that there are some things you can do to prevent deathwatch beetles from damaging your property.

Firstly, make sure all your trees are healthy and free from decay. Dead and dying trees are much more attractive to deathwatch beetles than healthy ones.

Secondly, keep an eye out for signs of beetle activity, such as small holes in the wood or piles of sawdust.

If you spot any of these signs, take action immediately to prevent further damage. With a little vigilance, you can keep deathwatch beetles at bay.


Why is it called deathwatch beetle?

The sound, also called mating call, was believed to forecast an approaching death according to superstitions. It gets its name from the credence that people often hear it “on watch” with an ill person on death’s verge.


The deathwatch beetle is a tiny, brown-black insect that can be found in homes all over the world. While these little bugs may not seem like much of a threat, they can cause some serious damage to your property. If you think you may have a deathwatch beetle infestation in your home, it’s important to take action right away. We’ve put together some information on how to identify and get rid of these pesky critters, so keep reading for more details. Have you ever had a problem with deathwatch beetles? Let us know in the comments below!

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About the Author: Kinsey Locke

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