Common Furniture Beetle interesting facts

Common Furniture Beetle

Do you have a piece of furniture in your home that you’ve had for years but never really gave much thought to? Chances are that furniture may be harboring some common furniture beetles. While they may not cause any severe damage to your furniture, they can be a nuisance, and it’s essential to know how to get rid of them. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the most common types of furniture beetles, as well as how to get rid of them. So read on for more information!

Common Furniture Beetle scientific name

The common furniture beetle, Anobium punctatum, is a wood-boring beetle that attacks all types of wood, including hardwoods and softwoods. The adult beetles are small, round, and black, and they bore into the wood to lay their eggs. The larvae that hatch from the eggs are white and grub-like, and they spend most of their development period inside the wood, tunneling through the wood as they feed. The damage caused by the common furniture beetle can be severe, as the larvae can tunnel through large sections of wood in a short amount of time.

In addition to causing structural damage to buildings, the common furniture beetle can also ruin furniture and other wooden objects. There are several species of common furniture beetle, including the European common furniture beetle, which is found in Europe, and the American common furniture beetle, which is found in North America.

Common Furniture Beetle physical appearance

Common Furniture Beetle are tiny insects that vary in size depending on their age and species. They typically have a dark brown or black body with a hard exoskeleton. Their antennae are long and thin, and they have six legs. Adult beetles can range in size from 1 to 7 mm. The larvae are tiny and white, with a brown head. They typically grow to be about 8 to 10 mm in length. Common Furniture Beetles are often found in humid environments, such as basements, attics, and kitchens.

They tend to avoid light and prefer to build their nests in dark, secluded areas. These insects are attracted to wood that is decaying or has been damaged by other insects. When they infest a piece of furniture, they will burrow into the wood and create tunnels. This can cause the wood to weaken and eventually break apart. Common Furniture Beetle are a severe pest problem for homeowners and furniture makers alike. In order to prevent infestation, it is essential to inspect all new furniture for signs of these pests before bringing it into the home.

Additionally, all wood should be kept dry and free of debris to deter these pests. If an infestation does occur, prompt treatment is essential to prevent further damage.

Common Furniture Beetle habitat

The common furniture beetle (Anobium punctatum) is a tiny, winged insect that is commonly found in homes and other buildings. The adult beetles are brown or black and have a unique shape, with a rounded body and long, slender legs. The larvae of the common furniture beetle are creamy-white and have a dark brown head.

They are often found in wood that has been infested with the adults. The common furniture beetle is found throughout the world and is most common in Europe and North America. In addition to homes and other buildings, the common furniture beetle can also be found in museums, where they are often responsible for damaging wood artifacts.

Common Furniture Beetle diet

The common furniture beetle diet is all as it can digest anything from wood to carpet. The only thing common furniture beetle can’t digest is metal and glass. The common furniture beetle is present worldwide, but it’s more predominant in Europe. The common furniture beetle digs through the dust to find food, which is why you’ll often see them in basements and attics. The female common furniture beetle can lay up to 100 eggs at a time, and the larvae will eat for 6-12 months before pupating into adults.

While the adult common furniture beetles don’t eat, they will mate, and the cycle will start all over again. If you have a common furniture beetle infestation, the best course of action is to call an exterminator.

Common Furniture Beetle interesting facts

The common furniture beetle (Anobium punctatum) is a small, black beetle that is often found in homes. These pests are attracted to wood that is already damaged by other insects or fungi, and they can quickly cause extensive damage to furniture and flooring. Despite their name, common furniture beetles are actually quite rare in the United States. However, they are a major problem in Europe, where they are responsible for an estimated $2 billion in damage each year. Here are some additional facts about these destructive pests:

  1. Common furniture beetles are also known as woodworms.
  2. The larvae of these beetles are white and measure up to 6 mm in size.
  3. The adult beetles are black and measure 2-3 mm in length.
  4. These beetles can fly, but they usually only do so if they are disturbed.
  5. The life cycle of a common furniture beetle takes between 1 and 5 years to complete.
  6. Females lay their eggs on or near wood, and the larvae then tunnel into the wood to feed.

As you can see, common furniture beetles can cause a great deal of damage to your home if they are not controlled.

How to get prevention from a Common Furniture Beetle?

The common furniture beetle is one of the most destructive pests that can attack your home. Also known as woodworms, these tiny insects burrow through wood, causing extensive damage. If you suspect that your home has been infested with furniture beetles, it’s important to take action immediately. Here are some tips for preventing and getting rid of these pests:

  • Inspect all of your furniture for signs of damage. The common furniture beetle leaves small, round holes in wood. If you see any holes, it’s likely that there are more beetles present.
  • Remove all infested pieces of furniture from your home. This includes both solid wood pieces and those made with particle board or other composite materials.
  • Thoroughly clean all affected areas. Use a vacuum cleaner with an attachment to reach all cracks and crevices where the beetles may be hiding. Then, wipe down all surfaces with a damp cloth.
  • Use an insecticide spray designed specifically for furniture beetles. Be sure to follow the directions on the label carefully.

By taking these steps, you can get rid of furniture beetles and prevent them from returning in the future.

Common Furniture Beetle


What is eating your furniture?

The furniture beetles are considered one of the world’s many wood-boring beetles included in the insects’ powderpost beetle group. These beetles lay eggs inside the wood’s cervices, so humans may bring various pests into their homes within infested furniture.


If you have an infestation of common furniture beetles, don’t panic. There are steps that you can take to get rid of them and prevent them from coming back. We’ve outlined the steps for you in this blog post, as well as some tips on how to keep your home free of these pests in the future. Have you ever had a problem with common furniture beetles? What did you do to get rid of them?

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About the Author: Kinsey Locke

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