Coyote vs Wolf Differences, Size, Howl Updated 2022

Coyote vs Wolf

The coyotes are the animal species with white-colored fur on their underparts and grayish-brown to brownish-yellow-colored fur on tops. They possess long, bushy tails, yellow-colored eyes, black-colored noses, large, triangular ears on the top of their heads, and long, narrow muzzles. In addition to this, wolves contain black-tipped long, bushy tails and brown or gray-colored coats with buffy facial undersides and markings. Although both look similar in appearance, there are some differences between them. This blog post provides exciting facts and information comparing coyotes and wolves. 

Difference Between Coyote vs Wolf



  • These are some of the most adaptable canines on the planet, inhabiting Oak Savannahs, Sagebrush- Steppe, Woodlands, Prairies, Deserts, Subalpine forests, Open Ponderosa Pine forests, temperate rainforests, and Alpine meadows. They are seen now throughout Canada and the United States. 
  • These animal species inhabit Deserts, Grasslands, Forests, Tundra to Woodlands. Swamps, Coastal Prairies, and Remote Wilderness areas. Many wolves are seen in Afghanistan, Mongolia, Northern India, Pakistan, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel, China, and Russia. 
  • There are almost 19 recognized coyote’s species, varying by physical appearance and geographical range. These types contain California valley, Northern, Honduras, Plains and Mexican coyotes, belonging to the genus as the jackals, dingos, dogs, and wolves. 
  • According to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), there are three species i.e., the Red wolf, the Eastern wolf, the Gray wolf, and almost 40 wolf subspecies. The most common types of wolves include timber wolves and gray wolves. 
  • The coyotes are the animal species possessing 3.3 to 3.4 feet long bodies with 30 to 40cm long tails and shoulders of 24 inches. In addition to this, a few more significant individuals weigh up to 42 pounds, and most adults weigh between 23 to 35 pounds. 
  • The wolves contain three to five feet long bodies with one to two feet long tails. Mackenzie Valley wolf is considered the giant wolf in the world. However, the males weigh between 70 and 145 pounds, and females weigh between 60 and a hundred pounds. 
  • Coyotes, as omnivores, eat anything, including rabbits, birds, lizards, insects, flowers, mesquite beans, cactus fruits, snakes, skunks, frogs, mice, voles, shrews, road-killer deer, carrion, beavers, and a variety of other animals. 
  • Wolves, as carnivores, love to feed on large hoofed mammals, including moose, bison, elk, and deer, and various smaller mammals such as hares, beavers, and rodents. The adults appear to eat almost 20 pounds of meat in one day. 
  • These animal species can bark, whine and also make loud howl sounds. Their barks vary from high to low intensities, used as long-range threats or warnings. Furthermore, only the bark-howl with a higher pitch and intensity is used as long-distance alarms or threats. 
  • These animal species possess four main vocalizations: howling, growling, barking, and whimpering. They make a combination of sounds such as growl-howl or bark-howl. Hearing the wolves howling in the night means that they are communicating to each other. 
  • Coyotes are considered fast animals, reaching to speeds of about 40 to 45 miles per hour and jumping over 4 meters. These animals can also run to speeds of almost 20 miles per hour, even lacking a front foot. 
  • Wolves gallop, lope, trot, or walk. They usually walk at about 4 miles per hour with long legs, reaching 35 miles per hour speed during chasing. These animals mostly travel in trots with speeds between 8 and 10 miles per second. 
  • Fond provocations, tender mouth clasps, cuddling, little kisses, teasing, and affectionate nudges are seen in the emotional behavior of these animal species. 
  • These animal species are considered loving animals, despite their intimidating and steely exteriors. They show affection by gently nibbling each other’s faces.
  • Although it is difficult to confirm in wild populations, coyotes mate for life. The adults mate during February and March, having a gestation period of 63 days and giving birth to pups. 
  • The female wolves give birth to one pups’ litter per year. These animal species mate for life and begin breeding between the ages of 2 and 3 years.
  • The coyotes can have an average lifespan of about 13 to 15 years in captivity and almost 6 to 8 years in the wild. The oldest confirmed wild coyote was 11 years old alpha female.
  • Like other animal species, wolves also live for a specific time. For example, they have a lifespan of about 15 years in captivity and 8 to 13 years in the wild. 
  • Many factors are present that affect coyotes’ population. They include weather, territory, prey availability, fur trapping, contest hunts, sport hunting, and social structure. 
  • There are also many threats to wolves, including intentional killing and habitat destruction. The primary threat to these animal species is human activities. 


Sometimes people get confused and ask questions to make their minds clear comparing coyotes and wolves. Therefore, the answers to some of those questions are as follows;

Would a coyote kill a wolf?

There are relatively low chances that a single coyote can kill a robust, healthy wolf. However, a coyote or a pack of coyotes would be able to kill an injured or a sick wolf in some circumstances. They can also kill wolf pups. 

Are coyotes worse than wolves?

Coyotes are not more dangerous than wolves, especially true for the Gray-colored wolves. Wolves are considered the most dangerous animal species due to their aggressive behavior and massive size.

Do wolves and coyotes get along?

Wolves cannot bear coyotes in their neighborhoods and will start chasing them on seeing them. In contrast to it, coyotes, being the cunning animal species, would trail wolves, stealing their food. Both species mostly love to feed on carcasses and meat. 

Coyote vs Wolf

Can a coyote jump 4-foot fence?

It is a fact that coyotes are animal species that can jump to almost 3 feet in the air. However, there is no doubt that they can jump the fence of any size using their back foot. You can keep coyotes out by a roller bar installation on the top.

What dog breeds are closest to wolves?

Many dog breeds are closest to wolves, including Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky, Afghan Hound, Saluki, Shiba Inu, Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzu, Chow Chow, and many others.

How can you tell a wolf from a coyote?

Wolves are the animal species with broader shorter snouts, while coyotes possess narrow, more pointed snouts. A coyote produces shorter, yapping sounds, whereas the howl of wolves is drawn out and long. However, the fur color of both species is similar; it is not considered a good factor to compare them.


Although many animal species are present throughout the world, they all possess unique facts and identifications to differentiate them. Similarly, wolves and coyotes have some differential facts to separate them from each other. This blog post provides exciting facts and information about comparing these animal species. It would help if you paid full attention to reading this article.  

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About the Author: Zoological world

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