10 Best Rats Facts: Types of pet rats

Either you want to have rats as your pets or you just found one of them in your house you ultimately have to learn Types of pet rats and characteristics so that you can fulfill your need. There are various types of rat in the world and some of them are regional based. They are often referred to as dogs of the family of the rodents because they are easily tamed and are so intelligent that they adapt so easily in every environment.

Domestic Types of pet rats And Colors:

Before I list down all the varieties of the rats let me make one thing clear that the term “breed” is not used for the rats because basically they belong to one basic family “Rattus Norvegicus” which we know as “Brown rats”.

So, to understand the rest we will have to understand the basic characteristics of the brown rat. Typical, brown rats have a tail as long as their body with little hair. As far as facial features are concerned they are easily recognized by their flat nose, little eyes, and ears with some hair present at the back. 

There are also some differences in the captive rats and wild rats. When they are in their natural habitat they are all of the same color and coat etc. 

Now as a result of extensive mutations due to evolution and also due to genetic breeding now there is extreme diversity in rat’s colors, coats, and ear positions. Rats can be divided into three broader categories:

  1. Smooth or curly body coats
  2. Eye colors
  3. Ear positions

Below I am going to mention those rats that are extensively adopted all over the world.

 Based on the Body type these are the rats that are widely adopted all over the world.

Traditional Body types of pet rats:

This particular type has features similar to wild rats with small ears that are placed on the top of the head. They are very intelligent and are very good pets as they can adapt easily to every environment.

Dumbo rats:

As the name suggests they usually seem to have bigger round faces but that is just because of their ears as they are placed on the sides of their head and are big and round in shape. Their ears pop out from their head on either side more like an elephant.

On the other hand, research suggested that Dumbo rats are more friendly and can be easily tamed as compared to traditional rats.

 Apart from this friendliness also depends on the external conditions like how much they are taken care of and others.

Manx rats:

You may also have listened about Manx cats just like them Manx rats also don’t have a tail. However, some may have a little tail popping outside from their body. They are rather thin and small in size in comparison to other rat varieties.  Do you want to know about how to kill rats?

As rats use their tails for marinating balance while climbing or running fast and also for maintaining body temperature. So, these rats may become difficult to handle as a pet and may require more care and attention so choose wisely.

Dwarf Rats:

As their name depicts that they are very small in size as compared to any other rat type. They are almost one-third of the size of any rat. 

Even though due to their small size they are difficult to handle even then it’s quite popular among people as a pet since it is quite friendly and can be easily tamed so people like to have it as a pet despite their size.

Types of pet rats based on the rat coat

Classic rat coat:

This type of rat consists of shiny, non-frizzy, smooth hair. When the rat is happy or is in a good mood their coat is flat and smooth but when they are scared excited or become angry their hair becomes stiff much similar to goosebumps. Their sideburns or mustache consists of long, curved hairs which they use to sense movements in the environment.

Male’s fur is not shiny and smooth as of the female and this is mainly due to secretion of grease from their skin which is orange or rusty in color. It’s known as “Buck Grease”. However, it all depends on a good diet and good care. Keeping good care of them male can also develop smoother and shinier coats.

Rex rats:

These rats have coats similar to that of a wool. On touching, they give more of a woolier experience. This is because they have quite a curly fur even their eyelashes and bristles are also curled up. Due to this, they are also referred to as” Sheep rats”. They mostly have dark patches on their body.

There are varieties of mutations in rex rats. Double rex rats have extremely tight eyelashes and coat and this can make them difficult to handle because eye problems can be developed due to curled up eyelashes or having no lashes at all.

Sphynx rats:

They are also known as “Hairless rats”. These bald rats are selectively bred to be completely hairless however, they may have some curled up mustache. Their color is completely dependent on the genes they select while breeding them.

Pink color coats are due to pale genes whereas rats with darker genes tend to have black or grey coats. The main issue regarding these rats is the difficulty in maintaining their health. 

As they don’t have any hair on their body that means they don’t have anything which can protect them from cold or warmth. So, handling them might become a little difficult and will require more attention.

Even though it’s a popular types of pet rats, it’s not allowed in all countries. 

Varieties based on the colors of rats

There are now various types of colored rats thanks to genetic or selective breeding but mainly there are two types of colored rats. The natural color of the rat is agouti; it is mainly a brown color made by bands of brown, black, grey and orange. This color is mainly due to the presence of a dominant gene. However, nowadays due to genetic mutation this gene is absent in most rats generating more color varieties in rats of the same color throughout their body.

Types of pet rats 11

Black rats:

As they are black rats which means that they are non-agouti. They have a darker fur of black color with a little white hair as well. As they get old or become ill they may develop a browner coat.

Red-eyed dilute:

This is an agouti based rat with a lighter fur and a lighter eye color. They are selectively bred and have lighter red eyes with extreme light color at the belly.

Albino rats:

They are easily identified by their white color and really beautiful pink eyes. In some black rats, there is also a mutation that may make it appear like an albino but actually they are white-haired rats. The thing is that they may have too many mutations making them appear whole as the same. 

Best way to identify types of pet rats

Rats are among these creatures which are least liked in the world. They contaminate not only your kitchen but pose a threat to infrastructure as well. The main rats which inhabit America are Roof rat and Norway rats.

Norway rats

can be easily identifying by their muddy brownish bodies. Its tail is not as long as their whole body and they also have relatively smaller eyes and ears. These rats are one of the largest rats among the whole family of rats.

The specialty of these rats that they build their nests with fibrous materials like shredded paper and wooden boxes etc. they are mainly found beneath the buildings and they burrow mostly underground.

Roof rats

as their name suggests love to remain on height and therefore build their nest mostly on the roofs of houses and on various trees. 

They are expert climbers and in wild they inhabit shrubs, trees, and dense vegetation while on captive environments they usually like to stay on secure heights. Unlike the Norway rats, roof rats are not found in colder regions.

The ultimate list of all types of pet rats breeds

Following are the major breeds of rats:

Types of pet rats 133

Fancy rat:

 Fancy rat Is another name of a pet rat. It means that rats come in varieties, not in breeds through which you can decide the rat coat, color, and size while adopting a new rat buddy.

The major types of pets rats are:

  • Bristle coat rat
  • Dumbo rat
  • Hairless rat
  • Rex rat
  • Satin rat
  • Satin rat 
  • Standard rat
  • Tailless rats
  • Dwarf rats

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About the Author: Zoological world

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