Outdoor Risks to Protect Your Dog From Heat

Most owners do activities with their dogs outdoors, such as walking, playing, and exercising. Dogs are curious beings, excited to explore new things. However, this curiosity can sometimes get them in unwanted situations. As an owner, it’s your responsibility to monitor what your dog does and ensure their safety at all times.

While it may be fun to spend some time with your pet just enjoying nature and breathing fresh air, many dangers present in the environment can harm your pup. So if you want to take your dog outside and keep it safe, here are some outdoor risks you should know.


Before taking your dog outside, check first the weather if it’s too hot for your fur baby. Every dog breed deals with the sun’s heat differently. Some can tolerate it better than others. However, you and your pet shouldn’t stay under the hot sun for too long, especially in the summertime. If it’s sunny and you’re planning to take your dog on a walk, always bring its water and water bowl with you. Some signs of an overheated dog include difficulty in breathing, panting, weakness, and disorientation, just to mention a few. If your dog gets these symptoms, take it to a cool room with air conditioning or a fan. You can also splash it with warm water or use a wet towel to lower body heat. When cooling down, you can give it some water to drink. Alert a vet if more severe symptoms occur.


Most dogs get parasites from being outdoors frequently. An example of a parasite that your pet may get is a tick. Ticks attach themselves to animals or people and feed on their host’s blood. These parasites could also bring certain diseases to your dog, so removing them as soon as you notice them is crucial. Their bites are usually painless but can get infected. After being outside, always check your dog for ticks by combing your fingers through their fur for any bumps. Some effects of tick-borne diseases on dogs include weakness, fever, loss of appetite, paralysis, and more. Knowing about these blood-sucking parasites and what they can do to your pet is vital as an owner. To learn more, you can read this informative article from Vetster to know what you should do if your dog gets ticks.

Cocoa Bean Shells

When taking your dog to a garden, you should beware of cocoa bean shell mulch. Cocoa is an ingredient found in chocolate that most owners know is dangerous for dogs and contains chemicals like theobromine. Some gardens utilize cocoa bean shells as mulch, so be cautious while taking your dog there if there is potentially any cocoa it can ingest. Similar to chocolate poisoning, when dogs consume cocoa bean mulch, some symptoms they’ll experience are vomiting, diarrhea, and rapid heartbeat. Death is a more severe symptom that, although rare, has happened. If your dog swallows cocoa mulch, alert a veterinarian immediately.

Other Animals

Not all animals get along with each other. So when taking your dog outdoors, beware of other animals and keep a safe distance from them. Watch your pet’s and the other animal’s behavior closely. A fight between your pet and another animal can cause injuries that sometimes result in death. When your dog gets into an animal fight, do not try to go near their heads, as this might hurt you. What you can do to stop the fighting is to distract them, which you can do by making loud noises or doing anything that will catch their attention. Preventing these fights from happening is better. You can do that by taking your pet away once you notice forms of aggression.

Always supervise your dog wherever you both go, especially if it’s outdoors. If you spot any of the things mentioned above while taking your dog outside, try to prevent any undesirable outcomes before they happen. Look out for signs of harm in your dog at all times. If symptoms persist, call a vet to treat your dog instantly. Stay safe with you and your dog!

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About the Author: Zoological world

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