Fox Squirrel | Types, Adaptations, Diet, & Facts

Fox Squirrel

If you’ve ever been lucky enough to spot a fox squirrel, you know that they are an absolutely adorable species of squirrel. With their reddish-brown fur and bushy tails, these little creatures are hard not to love. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the fox squirrel, including their habits and what makes them unique from other types of squirrels. So if you’re curious about fox squirrels, keep reading!

Fox Squirrel scientific name

The scientific name of the Fox Squirrel is Sciurus niger. It is the only member of the genus Sciurus. The Fox Squirrel is a tree-dwelling squirrel found throughout the eastern United States, from Maine to Florida, and as far west as Texas and Oklahoma. The Fox Squirrel is the largest species of tree squirrel, with some adult males weighing up to 1.5 pounds. The fur of the Fox Squirrel can be red, gray, or black, with adults usually being darker than juveniles. The Fox Squirrel is an omnivore, eating both plant and animal matter.

Fruits, nuts, and seeds make up the bulk of its diet, but they will also eat insects, eggs, and small vertebrates. The Fox Squirrel is a solitary creature, spending most of its time alone or in pairs. However, during the winter months, several animals may share a den. Breeding takes place in late winter or early spring, with litters of two to five young being born after a gestation period of 45 days.

Fox Squirrel physical appearance

The Fox Squirrel is a large tree squirrel with a body length of 15-20 inches and a tail that can add another 6-10 inches. They are the largest species of tree squirrel in North America. Their fur is generally silver-gray on the back with some orange or brown highlights. The sides are mostly orange or brown, and the belly is white. The fur on their tails is bi-colored with alternating bands of orange and black. Fox Squirrels have large eyes and long, furry ears. Their feet are also furry and have sharp claws for climbing. In all, the Fox Squirrel is a very distinct-looking animal.

Fox Squirrel habitat

The fox squirrel is one of the largest species of squirrels in North America, and it can be found in a variety of habitats ranging from woodlands to urban areas. One of the most important factors for a fox squirrel is access to food, and they will often build their nests near sources of food such as trees bearing nuts or fruits. In addition to food, water is also essential for fox squirrels, and they will often be seen near streams or ponds. The shelter is also important, and fox squirrels will often use tree cavities or abandoned nests. In general, fox squirrels are adaptable creatures that can make do in a variety of different habitats. However, all of these factors must be present in order for a fox squirrel to thrive.

Fox Squirrel diet

The Fox Squirrel diet is one that all must follow in order to be healthy. This diet consists of all things living and raw. This means that the squirrel must eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and insects. All of these must be consumed in order for the squirrel to get all of the necessary nutrients. The Fox Squirrel diet is one that is very high in fat and protein. This is because these two nutrients are essential for a squirrel’s survival. The fat helps to keep the squirrel warm in the winter, and the protein helps to build strong muscles and bones.

Fox Squirrel behavior

The fox squirrel is a large species of squirrel that is native to North America. Adult fox squirrels typically weigh between 1 and 1.5 pounds, and they can be up to 24 inches long, including their tail. Fox squirrels are generally gray or brown in color, but their fur may also exhibit shades of red, orange, or white. These Squirrels are experts at climbing trees and jumping from branch to branch. Their long hind legs and bushy tails help them to maintain their balance.

Fox squirrels are also proficient swimmers and have been known to cross rivers in search of food or new territory. In addition to their physical abilities, fox squirrels are also brilliant creatures. They have been known to use tools, remember the locations of food caches, and solve complex problems. Thanks to their adaptability and resourcefulness, fox squirrels are one of the most successful species of squirrel in North America.

Fox Squirrel interesting facts

The fox squirrel is a medium-sized squirrel that is found throughout the eastern United States. Although it is most commonly associated with urban areas, the fox squirrel can also be found in wooded or mixed habitats. Here are some interesting facts about this fascinating creature:

  • The fox squirrel is the largest member of the squirrel family, with adults weighing up to 2 pounds.
  • Despite its name, the fox squirrel is not closely related to foxes.
  • Fox squirrels are proficient tree climbers and are known for their nimble acrobatic abilities.
  • These animals are most active during the day and typically spend their nights in tree dens.
  • Fox squirrels are omnivores, and their diet consists of a variety of plant and animal matter, including nuts, berries, insects, and even small reptiles.
  • The average lifespan of a fox squirrel is 5-10 years, but some individuals have been known to live for up to 15 years in captivity.

So there you have it: some interesting facts about the delightful fox squirrel!

Fox Squirrel reproduction and life cycle

Fox squirrels are relatively small compared to other squirrel species. They range in size from about 20 to 30 cm long, and their tails can be up to 15 cm long. Females are usually slightly smaller than males. Fox squirrels have reddish-brown fur on their backs and greyish-brown fur on their bellies. Their tails are bushy and tipped with black. Fox squirrels are found all across the United States, from the East Coast to the Great Plains.

Fox squirrels typically live for about six years in the wild, but captive fox squirrels have been known to live for up to 15 years. They reproduce once a year, usually between December and February. Females give birth to litters of 2-5 offspring, which are born blind and hairless. The young fox squirrels gain their adult fur at about eight weeks old and leave their mother’s nest when they are 3-4 months old. Once they are on their own, fox squirrels will establish their own territory, which can be up to 1 mile wide.

Fox Squirrel

Fox Squirrel threats and predators

The fox squirrel, also known as the eastern fox squirrel or the red fox squirrel, is a tree squirrel that ranges in size from 19 to 31 cm. It is common in the eastern United States, and its habitat includes deciduous forests, farmlands, and urban areas. The fox squirrel is an all-around predator with few predators of its own. However, it must compete with other animals for food, including gray squirrels, opossums, and raccoons. In addition, the fox squirrel is hunted by humans for its fur. As a result of these pressures, the fox squirrel population has declined in some areas. However, the species remains common overall, and its status is considered to be of least concern.


Why is it called a fox squirrel?

Research has shown that the eastern fox squirrels are called so due to the fact these animal species possess yellow-red colored bodies, closely resembling that of fox species. However, these species are considered safe from extinction.


If you’re looking for an interesting addition to your wildlife photography, we suggest adding a fox squirrel to your list. These little guys are abundant in many areas and make for great photographic subjects. Be sure to keep an eye out for them near oak trees—that’s where they like to hang out! Have you had the opportunity to photograph a fox squirrel? We would love to see your images in the comments below. 

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About the Author: Kinsey Locke

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