Best 10 Albatross Birds Facts, Size, Weight, Diet

Albatross Birds

Albatross is a bird that belongs to the Diomedeidae family. They are widely distributed in the North Pacific and the Southern Ocean. There are four genera of albatrosses with approximately 21 numbers of species. The exact number of species is still unknown. The four genera include Great albatrosses (Diomedea), Mollymawks (Thalassarche), North Pacific albatrosses (Phoebastria), and Sooty albatrosses (Phoebetria).

These birds are the largest flying birds. They can travel long distances by utilizing a small amount of energy. They exhibit dynamic soaring and slope soaring while flying. They feed on squids, krills, and fish with the help of diving or scavenging.

They have strong bodies and exhibit a variety of colors, including black, white, or gray. These seabirds come ashore for breeding purposes. Mating occurs in oceanic islands in the form of colonies.

They have an average size of about 4.4 feet or 1.2 meters, an average weight of about 22 pounds or 10 kilograms, an average wingspan of about 3.3 meters or 11 feet. They exhibit a top speed of about 50 miles per hour.

These are listed as “near threatened” by IUCN, majorly because of depletion of prey due to overfishing and also because of some predators, including sharks, humans, cats, and rats. They can live up to 50 years.

Albatross Bird Wingspan: 

Albatross birds have the largest wingspan. The average wingspan is 3.3 meters or 11 feet.

Albatross Bird Facts: 

Some of the facts about albatross birds are,

  1. Albatross birds are the largest flying seabirds.
  2. They are found in the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific.
  3. The word albatross is derived from the Arabic word “al-gattas” or “al-quads,” which means “diver.”
  4. The Albatross bird is also called a goony bird because of the fun fact that it lands on the ground by tumbling forward.
  5. They exhibit the largest wingspan in the world.
  6. They are carnivores.
  7. They feed on squids, krills, and fish.
  8. Their most distinctive feature is their large size.
  9. They inhabit open seas and oceans.
  10. The age of fledgling is 3 to 10 months.
  11. The age of sexual maturity is 5 to 10 years.
  12. They form their nests in the form of colonies.
  13. Some of the predators of albatross birds are humans, sharks, cats, and rats.
  14. The biggest threat to these birds is the depletion of prey due to overfishing.
  15. They are listed as near threatened by IUCN.
  16. The albatross bird has the soul of a dead sailor who was killed at sea, according to a myth. This represents either a good or bad omen depending on the belief of the person.
  17. These birds can live up to 50 years.

Albatross Bird Size: 

Albatross birds are the largest flying birds. They have an average size of about 4.4 feet or 1.2 meters.


Albatross Bird Flying: 

Albatross birds exhibit the largest wingspan among all the birds present in the world. The wingspan is 340 centimeters or 11.2 feet. They have stiffened wings that have thick, streamlined edges. They travel long distances with the help of two techniques, including dynamic soaring and slope soaring.

In dynamic soaring, the bird exhibits rising into the wind and descending downward repeatedly. The birds gain energy from the vertical wind gradient during this process. Thus, they can travel long distances without even flapping their wings.

In slope soaring, the bird takes advantage of air rising off the windward side of waves. The albatross birds exhibit a sheet of a tendon (shoulder lock) that helps to lock the wings when fully extended. This allows the wings to remain outstretched without muscle expenditure.

The albatross birds are the most efficient long-distance traveling birds.

Albatross Bird Weight: 

Albatross birds are strong and heavy-bodied birds. They have an average weight of about 22 pounds or 10 kilograms.

Albatross Bird Baby: 

Albatross birds exhibit migration towards remote oceanic islands for breeding. They are monogamous and mate for life. They are well known for their strong lifetime bonds. After choosing their respective mates, they perform several courtship rituals, including singing, dancing, bill contact, preening, staring, pointing, and calling.

These birds form nests with the help of soil, shrubs, grass, and feathers. After the formation of the nest, females lay one egg after about one month of incubation by both the parents, the chick hatches. The parents perform the duties of protection and food supply. After few months of hatching, the chick becomes independent. After 3 to 10 months of fledgling, they become able to fly. They spend 5 to 10 years of their life at sea and return for breeding purposes after reaching sexual maturity.

Albatross Bird Characteristics:

Some of the characteristics of the albatross bird are as follows,

  1. These birds have long and hooked bill that is made of horny plates.
  2. They exhibit a strong sense of smell to catch prey. This sense of smell is provided by tubular nostrils that are present on each side of the bill.
  3. There are salt glands located above each eye internally. These salt glands help in filtering excess salt.
  4. They have large webbed feet. These feet help them in swimming by propelling themselves along the water surface.
  5. They have long and narrow wings that aids in flying.
  6. They exhibit different colorations of their bodies.
  7. The legs are adapted to stand and walk on land. They exhibit an awkward movement on land by swaying from side to side. This is a specific courtship display.

Albatross Bird Compared To Human: 

One of the biggest threats to albatrosses is humans.

These birds are threatened by overfishing, which results in the depletion of prey. Moreover, during fishing, albatrosses can also be caught. Oil, plastic, and chemical pollution are also included in the threat. Sailors usually give them names that mean stupidity. The names include gooney (used to describe a stupid person) and mollymawk (meaning stupid gull). This reputation is because of the fact that these birds are clumsy on land. Sailors also consider these birds as a sign of unpleasant weather conditions like storms because of the fact that they can’t fly in calm weather. These birds are also associated with the death of a sailor on the sea.

Now they are also used in the fashion trade.

Albatross Bird Can Sleep While Flying: 

As albatrosses can’t sleep for a longer duration on the water because of the threat of being eaten by certain predators, so they sleep while flying. They exhibit certain sleep patterns that allow them to navigate visually while sleeping in flight.

Albatross Bird Diet: 

Albatross birds are carnivores. They feed on squid, krill, and fish. They perform scavenging for food. They can consume garbage. Wandering albatrosses can perform diving for catching prey.

Royal Albatross Bird Diet: 

Royal albatross birds mainly feed on squids and other cephalopods. They can also eat fish, salps, and crustaceans. These birds search the sea surface to find fish (shoaling or dead) and squid. They also follow many fishing boats in order to find any fish bait.

Albatross Bird Flies For 5 Years: 

Albatross birds are well known for their flight. They exhibit the largest wingspan. They can travel long distances even without flapping their wings by soaring flight. These birds return to dry land only for breeding purposes when they become sexually mature at the age of about five years. They spend the first five years of their lives flying without touching land.

What Is Special About Albatross Bird? 

The special features and characteristics exhibited by albatrosses include their largest wingspan, their flying patterns (dynamic and slope soaring), their stiffened wings, their strong sense of smell for catching prey, and their long lifespans.

How Long Can An Albatross Bird Fly For? 

Albatross birds can travel longer distances. They can travel 10,000 miles distance without flapping their wings.


What Were Albatrosses Killed For? 

The mariners killed albatrosses because of the lack of wind. Initially, this bird was thought to be a sign of good luck because, at that time, good winds blew. As time passes, the wind died, and people associated the death of the wind with albatrosses. They all blamed the bird. That’s why the mariners killed the bird to clean the misfortune caused by albatrosses.


Albatross birds are the largest flying seabirds having the largest wingspan. There are many myths associated with these birds in which they are either considered as a good or bad omen. They exhibit unique adaptations like their stiffened wings, flying patterns, and a strong sense of smell. They have long lifespans, but competition with humans for food has declined their population.

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About the Author: Zoological world

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