False Widow Spider interesting facts

False Widow Spider

Have you heard of false widow spiders? They are making headlines lately as the new, dangerous spider on the block. But are they really anything to worry about? This post will explore the truth about false widow spiders and whether you should be scared of them. Spoiler alert: probably not! Keep reading to learn more.

False Widow Spider scientific name

The false widow spider, which is also known by its scientific name of Steatoda nobilis, is a species of spider that is native to the warmer parts of Europe. There are several different types of false widow spiders, all of which are members of the Steatoda genus. The most common type of false widow spider in the United Kingdom is the Steatoda nobilis, which is also the type that is most often found in houses.

The false widow spider gets its name from its resemblance to the true widow spider, which is a member of the same family but is more dangerous. Although the false widow spider is not considered to be dangerous to humans, it can bite if it feels threatened. The bites are not usually serious but can cause swelling and pain.

False Widow Spider physical appearance

The false widow spider is a medium-sized spider with a round, dark brown body. Its legs are long and slender, and its abdomen is slightly larger than its thorax. The false widow spider gets its name from the fact that it closely resembles the black widow spider. However, unlike the black widow, which has a red hourglass-shaped mark on its abdomen, the false widow spider has a small white mark. This spider is usually found in southern and western Europe, but it has also been introduced to the United States, where it is now fairly common.

While the false widow spider is not considered to be dangerous to humans, it can bite if it feels threatened. If you see a false widow spider, it is best to leave it alone and allow it to go about its business.

False Widow Spider habitat

Most people think of spiders as creepy, dangerous creatures that should be avoided at all costs. However, there are actually many different types of spiders, some of which are actually quite harmless. One type of spider that is often misunderstood is the false widow spider. False widow spiders are found in many different habitats all over the world. Contrary to popular belief, they are not actually aggressive and will only bite humans if they feel threatened.

Although their bites can be painful, they are not venomous and will not cause any serious harm.

So, next time you see a false widow spider, don’t be afraid! Just give it a wide berth, and it will probably do the same for you.

False Widow Spider diet

All spiders are predators, False Widow Spiders included. Their diet consists almost exclusively of other arthropods, which they kill by injecting them with venom through their fangs. Some of the common prey items for False Widow Spiders include flies, ants, crickets, and moths. In addition to killing their prey, False Widow Spiders also consume dead arthropods that they find on the ground or in webs. This spider species is not particularly picky when it comes to food, which is one of the reasons why they have such a large range. As long as there is an abundance of insects present, False Widow Spiders will do just fine.

False Widow Spider behavior

The False Widow Spider is a type of spider that is found all over the world. They are most commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions, but they can also be found in temperate regions. False Widow Spiders are known for their aggressive behavior, and they have been known to bite humans. However, their venom is not considered to be dangerous to humans.

False Widow Spiders typically build their webs in dark places, such as under rocks or in trees. They are also known to build their webs near human habitations, such as in sheds or garages. When False Widow Spiders feel threatened, they will sometimes flee by running away quickly. However, they will also sometimes stand their ground and attack their attacker.

False Widow Spider interesting facts

The False Widow Spider is an interesting creature that is often misunderstood. Here are some facts about this spider that may help to clear up some of the misconceptions.

  • First of all, contrary to popular belief, the False Widow Spider is not actually deadly to humans. While it can deliver a painful bite, there have been no recorded deaths from this spider. In fact, they are actually quite shy and will only bite if they feel threatened.
  • Secondly, the False Widow Spider is not originally from the UK. They are native to Madeira and the Canary Islands and were first introduced to Britain in 1879. However, they have since become established in many parts of the country.
  • Thirdly, the False Widow Spider is not strictly a nocturnal creature and can often be seen during the day. They are most active at night though when they hunt for prey.
  • Finally, the False Widow Spider is not considered to be a pest. While they can sometimes be found in houses, they do not cause any damage and are actually quite beneficial as they help to control populations of other insects.

So there you have it, some facts about the False Widow Spider that may help to dispel some of the myths about this creature.

False Widow Spider reproduction and lifespan

The false widow spider is a venomous spider that is native to Europe. The spider is named for its similarity to the black widow spider, which is also venomous. The false widow spider has a round body and is typically brown or black in color. The female false widow spider can lay up to 200 eggs at a time, and the spiders can live for up to 3 years. The false widow spider is not aggressive and will only bite if it feels threatened. If you are bitten by a false widow spider, you should seek medical attention immediately.

How to get rid of False Widow Spider?

If you have a False Widow Spider infestation, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them.

First, make sure to seal all cracks and crevices around your home or office. False Widows love to hide in small spaces, so this will help to deter them.

Second, keep your property free of food and water sources. False Widows are attracted to both of these things, so eliminating them can make your property less inviting.

Finally, consider calling a professional pest control company. They will have the experience and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively eliminate your False Widow problem.

False Widow Spider


Can false widow spiders hurt you?

The venom of false widow spiders is not potent though these animal species have venomous bites. The only symptom seen after their bite is pain at the site, radiating away from the bite. The pain only lasts between one to 24 hours.


False Widow spiders are shy but could bite if provoked. While their venom is not deadly, it can cause pain and swelling. If you see a False Widow spider in your home, don’t try to kill it – just call a professional pest control company to take care of it for you.

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About the Author: Kinsey Locke

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